Faris Aboobacker is a former owner of Deepika Newspaper and currently a businessman based in Chennai.

He was born and brought up in a place called Nandi near Koyalandi in Kozhikode district. He was born to Mundail Abu Bakar and Mariakarat Sophia in Koyilandi. For his primary education, he attended Poilkayil Government High School and later completed his graduation from Farooq College, Kozhikode. After graduation, Faris went to help his father in a small-scale leather goods business in Chennai and soon became rich through the export business. Faris's business dealings were more successful and he was thus able to get an edge in his export business which led him to great places in his career.
Faris Aboobacker was able to build an empire on his own from scratch with just the basic business that his father left him. His business expanded to various places in India, initially from Kerala to Chennai and then abroad. Currently he has business associates’ offices in Chennai, Bengaluru, Mumbai and also abroad. Even though he is a significant contributor to many societal events and needs, he maintains privacy in his personal life and business as he is not interested in the name and fame it bestows on him.
Faris Aboobacker has been on the director boards of many firms, small and big. He is currently associated with 6 Companies and is director with Petropas Automotive Private Limited, Chikmangaloor Real Estates Private Limited, Kadavanthara Properties Private Limited, Daram Developers Private Limited, Kadavanthara Realtors Private Limited and Parrot Grove Private Limited. Faris contributed to the loss-making Deepika newspaper and later took it over as a newspaper entrepreneur. He has been the owner of two daily newspapers in Kerala, including the ‘Deepika’.
Faris Aboobacker was not born into wealth. He had faced many adversities in his life before he became successful. But he was obviously able to rise above it and, with the help of clear, creative visions and his incredible intellect, invested and invented his way into becoming one of the wealthiest and most exciting entrepreneurs in the state as well as India.