Cricketer DJ Bravo was among the attendees at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's star-studded pre-wedding festivities in Jamnagar. Shah Rukh Khan and Ranveer Singh, who had also flown to the city for the bash, were seen striking a pose with him. Bravo shared the pictures on his Instagram handle.
Sharing the photos, Bravo captioned, "Wedding vibes! Chilling with the big boys! @iamsrk @ranveersingh Bollywood meets Cricket
Sporting a distinctive black blazer adorned with finely spaced white stripes, the Trinidadian cricketer exuded style. Beneath, he wore a white shirt and matching trousers. Shah Rukh Khan and Ranveer Singh, in their respective attires, complemented Bravo's look in the shared pictures.
Meanwhile, superstar Shah Rukh Khan was seen enjoying singer Rihanna's performance at the star-studded bash. He was accompanied by his wife, Gauri Khan, kids Suhana Khan and Aryan Khan.
On the other hand, Ranveer Singh graced the event with his wife and actor Deepika Padukone.